Monday 30 March 2015


Having so far been using Times New Roman in our animatic film as we update and add credits, it is far beyond time to make our own bespoke font. I found a great site to turn my letters into a font and above you can see our current credits used as a test. We've also just had an influx of first years volunteering to help colour our animation, so they will be added soon too!

Monday 23 March 2015

International Women's Day 2015

As some of you may have been aware, a couple of weeks ago we celebrated International Women's Day. A friend commissioned me to do a couple of quick illustrations of inspirational women and has agreed to let me share them with you here. These two lovely ladies fit the bill nicely I think!

Monday 16 March 2015

Rough Keyframe Animation

The aim this week is to finish rough keying every shot of the film so that not only will we be able to see more clearly the pacing of each shot, but we'll then be able to edit the shots together more exactly and we can pass the rough version of the film on to our very talented music-maker! We have so far been cleaning-up each shot as we go along, but it's time to change tactic for pipeline purposes. Here's an example for you of what those rough keyframed shots are looking like. This is Keeper recoiling after the lighthouse bulb suddenly bursts on.

Monday 9 March 2015

Master Studies

I don't know how many of you are aware of the recent (hashtag)21days by Noah Bradley on twitter, but the idea is to spend an hour a day for 21 days working to improve your art. It's been a busy week so I've yet to be able to make it a daily habit, but here is one of my master studies from the project. The original on the left is 'Anna Obolenskaya' by Carolus Duran  and on the right is my study of it. One hour in Photoshop.

Monday 2 March 2015

Life Drawing

Life drawings from two of our most recent sessions. Each sketch was done in one of a range of short times; 30 seconds, 2 minutes and 5 minutes. The model in the first image is a professional ballerina and so we made the most of short, dynamic poses and had a great time! The second set of life sketches were done in pen, so even though more drawings were done for longer times, there was still a need for dynamic strokes.